The Truth About Green Coffee : Are There Any Real Benefits?
Today, the topic of green coffee and weight loss is a popular subject in Malaysia. We see it quite often via social media, radio, advertisements and even our own clients that want to make their own brand of green coffee. This has encouraged us to come out with an article that explains what green coffee benefits are, it’s side effects, price of green coffee in Malaysia (as of November 2017), best ways to take green coffee and related matters.
So let’s get started with the basics…
What is Green Coffee?
Green coffee is an ingredient that’s getting popular for losing weight. The active ingredient from green coffee that’s responsible to help lose weight is called chlorogenic acid. Most products today use an extract version. Green coffee extract is rich with chlorogenic acid as labs are able to determine and extract the percentages of chlorogenic acid from green coffee beans itself.
Coffee is usually roasted and comes out brown after roasting. Coffee is naturally green before the roasting process, thus the name green coffee.
Comparing the taste of green coffee to roasted coffee, roasted coffee does in fact taste much better when consumed via drinks. Unfortunately when roasted, the beans lose most of their chlorogenic acid. That’s why green coffee is a better option if you want to lose weight.
Other than losing weight, green coffee is also known to have other health benefits. While there are many websites claiming numerous health benefits, we did our own research by referencing recorded medical trials and we’ll only list the ones that had been in clinical studies.